Moving forward with a new real estate purchase a second home to live in or rent out can cause many some stress and hesitancy. And who could blame you? Any major investment — whether you are financially secure or […]
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What is TRID and how will it affect you when getting a Conventional Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac Loan?
What is TRID? TRID, which stands for TILA RESPA Integrated Disclosure, is the culmination of several years of discussions between CFPB and members of the banking and title industries.TRID consolidates the existing disclosures required under TILA and RESPA for closed-end credit […]
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For more than 30 years, Federal law has required lenders to provide two different disclosure forms to consumers applying for a mortgage. The law also has generally required two different forms at or shortly before closing on the loan. Two different Federal agencies […]
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Why is My Rate Higher on an Investment Property Loan?
While it varies based on market fluctuation, you can generally expect investment property financing to be at least 0.5% higher in rate when compared to primary home financing. In mortgage finance, pricing adjusters are added to a loan, which can […]
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What is a Credit Score?
Before deciding on what terms lenders will offer you on a loan (which they base on the risk to them), they want to know two things about you: your ability to pay back the loan, and your willingness to pay […]
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Non-Seasoned Cash-Out Refinance Program
DELAYED FINANCING EXCEPTION Borrowers who purchased an Investment Property or Second Home within the past six months are eligible for a cash-out refinance. The new loan amount can be no more than the actual documented amount of the borrower’s initial […]
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What to Expect When Buying a Turnkey Property?
When investing in real estate, you have to ask yourself “Do you want to be a landlord or do I want to be an investor”? If you say yes to both, then it is time to quit your full-time job […]
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